105 Science Words That Start with J

Ava Rose

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science words that start with j 105

Science is a vast field full of complex terms and concepts However, some words stand out for their unique beginnings. However When exploring science-related vocabulary, words starting with the letter “J” offer a fascinating array of subjects across biology, physics, astronomy, and more.

From Jellyfish, a soft-bodied marine creature with tentacles, to Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system known for its massive storm systems, each word reveals something intriguing about the world around us.

Whether it’s understanding how a Jet achieves propulsion, learning about energy with the unit called the Joule, or discovering the mysteries of the Jurassic Period, this comprehensive list of science words starting with “J” is both educational and exciting. In this article we read  105 Science Word That Start with J.

    Grade 5 Science words that start with j

JellyfishSoft marine animal with tentacles.
JupiterLargest planet in the solar system.
JetPropelled movement through air or water.
JouleUnit for measuring energy.
JackalA wild dog from Africa and Asia.
Jigsaw PuzzleA puzzle with interlocking pieces.
Jet StreamFast wind current at high altitudes.
JawBone structure for chewing.
JointWhere two bones meet.
JavelinLong object thrown in sports.
JournalA publication for research articles.
JoltSudden shock or movement.
JumperA knitted sweater.
Jet EngineEngine used for propulsion in planes.
JaguarLarge, powerful cat species.
JigsawA cutting tool or puzzle.
JockeyHorse rider in a race.
JuvenileA young animal or person.
JamSweet fruit spread.
JumbleA messy mixture.

Grade 6 Science words that start with j

Jet PropulsionMovement using jet thrust.
Joule’s LawRelates heat and electricity.
Joule HeatingHeat generated by electric current.
Jet LagTiredness from long travel across time zones.
Jurassic PeriodEra with many dinosaurs.
Jovian PlanetsLarge gas planets like Jupiter.
JuxtapositionPlacing things next to each other for comparison.
Jellyfish StingPainful reaction from a jellyfish’s tentacle.
JawboneBone that forms the jaw.
Joule-Thomson EffectCooling of gases when they expand.
JatrophaPlant used for making biofuel.
Jacuzzi EffectWater swirling similar to a whirlpool.
JounceA quick and sharp movement.
Joint InflammationSwelling in the joints.
Jumbo JetA large passenger aeroplane.
Jupiter’s MoonNatural satellite of Jupiter.
Joule-Thomson CoefficientMeasures how gas changes as it expands.
Joule’s ExperimentExperiment that shows energy conservation.
Jet Engine DesignEngineering behind jet engines.
Jovian AtmosphereThe gases surrounding Jupiter and other gas giants.

Grade 7 Science words that start with j

Junctional ComplexStructures in cells that stick them together.
Juxtaposed GenesGenes placed near each other on chromosomes.
Joint Range of MotionHow far a joint can move.
Joule per MoleEnergy measurement related to molecules.
Jute FiberNatural fiber from jute plants.
Jovian MagnetosphereMagnetic field of Jupiter and gas giants.
J-shaped Growth CurveRapid growth graph shape.
Jet FuelSpecial fuel for jet engines.
Joule ExpansionGases expand as energy is added.
JurisdictionLegal authority or control.
Jumping GeneDNA segment that can move within the genome.
Jacobian MatrixA tool for solving calculus problems.
Jurassic FossilFossils from the Jurassic era.
Jumping SpiderA spider known for jumping.
Joule-Thomson InversionTemperature changes during gas expansion.
Joule-Kelvin EffectCooling effect during gas flow.
Juxtracrine SignalingDirect cell communication.
Jurka CellsHuman cells used in research.
Jet Stream PatternsFlow of high-altitude winds.
Juxtaglomerular ApparatusKidney structure that regulates blood pressure.
Jacobian DeterminantUsed in mathematical modeling.
Joint DisorderProblems that affect joint function.
Juxta positional Gene RegulationGenes influencing each other’s function.
Jensen’s InequalityConcept in probability theory.
Jobber SyndromeGenetic disorder affecting the brain.
Junction PotentialVoltage difference at a junction.
Jitter AnalysisTiming variability in signals.
Jet VelocitySpeed of fluid jets.
Java ProgrammingProgramming language for software development.
Joint MomentRotational force around a joint.

Grade 8 Science words that start with j

Joule-Thomson CoolingCooling of gases during expansion.
Jovian MoonA moon orbiting a gas planet like Jupiter.
Jacobian TransformationMath tool for changing coordinates.
Juxtaposition AnalysisComparing elements placed side by side.
JackdawA small intelligent bird from Eurasia.
Jet Lag SyndromeSleep disorder from travelling across time zones.
Jaccard IndexMeasures the similarity between data sets.
Jensen-Shannon DivergenceMethod for measuring differences in distributions.
Joint TorqueRotational force at a joint.
Jovian AuroraA natural light display on gas giants.
Jatropha BiodieselRenewable biofuel from Jatropha plant seeds.
Judd-Ofelt TheoryExplains how ions behave in materials.
Jet ImpingementCooling process using fluid jets.
Jacobi IterationA method for solving equations step

Grade 9 Science words that start with j

Junction TransistorA type of electronic component.
Jigsaw LearningA method for group learning in education.
Juvenile HormoneA hormone regulating growth in insects.
Joule-Thomson CoefficientA coefficient related to gas expansion.
Joule Expansion CoefficientDescribes how gases expand when energy is added.
Jurkat CellsA cell line used for studying T-cells in the immune system.
Jet-Induced CavitationThe creation of bubbles in a liquid from a jet.
Jumping Universe TheoryA cosmological theory about how the universe might evolve.
Junction BoxA container for electric wires.
Jet NozzleA nozzle that controls the direction of a fluid jet.
Juvenile StageThe stage before adulthood in animals.
Joint CapsuleThe sac enclosing a joint.
Jacobian EllipsoidA mathematical description of rotating bodies.
Jet DeflectorA device to control the direction of a jet stream.
Juvenile Growth HormoneA hormone involved in animal development.
Jovian SystemThe collection of moons and rings around Jupiter.
Jet PackA device worn on the back for personal flight.
Joint FluidThe fluid found inside a joint for lubrication.
Juno MissionA NASA space mission to study Jupiter.
Joule per SecondA unit measuring power (equivalent to watts).
Jupiter’s MagnetosphereThe large magnetic field around Jupiter.
Jet Stream EnergyThe power generated by high-altitude winds.
J-shaped ProteinA specific structure in biochemistry.
Jovian Heat DistributionThe way heat is spread across Jupiter.
Jet MixingThe combination of liquids through a jet.

Physical Science Words That Start with J

JouleUnit of energy.
Jet PropulsionMovement using expelled gas.
JerkChange in acceleration rate.
JunctionWhere two materials meet.
Jovian PlanetsGas giants like Jupiter.
Jet StreamFast atmospheric winds.
Joule HeatingHeat from electric current.
Joule-Thomson EffectCooling in expanding gases.
JettisonDiscarding material from a moving object.
Joule per SecondAnother name for watt (power).
Jet EngineEngine that expels gas for thrust.
Jacobian MatrixMathematical tool for systems of equations.
Jovian MagnetosphereJupiter’s magnetic field.
Joule ExpansionIncrease in gas volume when energy is added.
Jovian AtmosphereAtmosphere of gas giants like Jupiter.
Jet VelocitySpeed of expelled gas or fluid.
Junction TransistorSemiconductor for amplifying signals.
Jacobian DeterminantUsed in physics for transformations.
Joule-Thomson CoefficientFactor for gas temperature change.
Jet DeflectorDevice that redirects jets of gases.

Biology Words That Start with J

JuvenileYoung or immature organism.
JellyfishMarine animal with tentacles.
JointConnection point of two bones.
JuxtapositionSide-by-side comparison.
Juxtacrine SignalingCell communication between adjacent cells.
Jacobin PigeonA type of domestic pigeon.
JungleDense forest habitat.
JawboneBone forming the jaw.
JaundiceYellow skin due to liver issues.
Junctional ComplexStructures for cell adhesion.
Juxtamedullary NephronKidney part for blood filtration.
J-ProteinAssists in protein folding.
Jelly LayerProtective layer in amphibian eggs.
Juxtaglomerular ApparatusKidney structure regulating blood pressure.
Juvenile HormoneInsect hormone controlling development.
Jugular VeinVein carrying blood from head to heart.
Jurkat CellsT-cells used in research.
Jumping GeneDNA that moves within the genome.
Jacobson’s OrganSensory organ in reptiles.
Jellyfish StingPainful reaction from jellyfish tentacle.

Chemistry Words That Start with J

JouleUnit of energy.
Joule-Thomson EffectCooling of gas during expansion.
JaboncilloSoap made from natural oils.
Junction PotentialVoltage at the interface of two materials.
Joule HeatingHeat generated by electric current.
Jatropha OilBiofuel from Jatropha seeds.
Joule-Thomson CoefficientMeasures temperature change in gases during expansion.
Jasmine OilEssential oil used in perfumes.
Jet FuelFuel for jet engines.
JuxtapositionSide-by-side comparison in chemistry.
Jablonski DiagramDiagram showing molecular energy states.
Jute FiberNatural fiber from the jute plant.
Junction DiodeSemiconductor used for controlling electric current.
Jones ReagentSolution for oxidizing alcohols.
JellyA colloid mixture.
Jet Stream ChemistryStudy of high-altitude winds and their chemical interactions.
Juxtaposition of IonsComparison of ions placed together.
Junk DNANon-coding DNA.
Jigsaw MoleculesMolecules that fit together in reactions.

Quiz Time!

  1. Which planet is the largest in the solar system?
    • A) Earth
    • B) Mars
    • C) Jupiter
  2. What is jet propulsion?
    • A) Movement using wind
    • B) Movement using jet or rocket thrust
    • C) Movement using water currents
  3. Which era is known for dinosaurs?
    • A) Jurassic
    • B) Triassic
    • C) Cretaceous

Answers: 1-C, 2-B,

Grade 5 Science Vocabulary Quiz Questions:

  1. What is the soft marine animal with tentacles called?
    • A) Jaguar
    • B) Jellyfish
    • C) Jet Stream
  2. Which planet is the largest in the solar system?
    • A) Jupiter
    • B) Jet Engine
    • C) Javelin
  3. What unit is used to measure energy?
    • A) Joule
    • B) Joint
    • C) Journal

Answers for Grade 5:

  1. B) Jellyfish
  2. A) Jupiter
  3. A) Joule

Grade 6 Science Vocabulary Quiz Questions:

  1. What is the movement using jet thrust called?
    • A) Jet Lag
    • B) Jet Propulsion
    • C) Jet Stream
  2. What is the law that relates heat and electricity?
    • A) Joule’s Law
    • B) Javelin Theory
    • C) Jet Propulsion
  3. What era had many dinosaurs?
    • A) Jet Lag Period
    • B) Jurassic Period
    • C) Jatropha Period

Answers for Grade 6:

  1. B) Jet Propulsion
  2. A) Joule’s Law
  3. B) Jurassic Period

Grade 7 Science Vocabulary Quiz Questions:

  1. What are genes placed near each other on chromosomes called?
    • A) Junction Genes
    • B) Juxtaposed Genes
    • C) Jet Genes
  2. What measures energy related to molecules?
    • A) Joule per Mole
    • B) Jet Mole
    • C) Joule Expansion
  3. What natural fiber is derived from plants?
    • A) Jute Fiber
    • B) Javelin Fiber
    • C) Jet Fiber

Answers for Grade 7:

  1. B) Juxtaposed Genes
  2. A) Joule per Mole
  3. A) Jute Fiber

Grade 8 Science Vocabulary Quiz Questions:

  1. What is the cooling of gases during expansion called?
    • A) Joule-Thomson Cooling
    • B) Jet-Thrust Cooling
    • C) Jolt Cooling
  2. What small bird is known for intelligence?
    • A) Jaguar
    • B) Jackdaw
    • C) Jetbird
  3. What is the method for measuring similarity between data sets?
    • A) Jensen-Shannon Divergence
    • B) Jaccard Index
    • C) Javelin Index

Answers for Grade 8:

  1. A) Joule-Thomson Cooling
  2. B) Jackdaw
  3. B) Jaccard Index

Grade 9 Science Vocabulary Quiz Questions:

  1. What hormone regulates growth in insects?
    • A) Juvenile Hormone
    • B) Joint Hormone
    • C) Jet Hormone
  2. What is a type of electronic component called?
    • A) Jet Transistor
    • B) Junction Transistor
    • C) Joule Transistor
  3. What is the name of the NASA space mission to study Jupiter?
    • A) Jovian Mission
    • B) Javelin Mission
    • C) Juno Mission

Answers for Grade 9:

  1. A) Juvenile Hormone
  2. B) Junction Transistor
  3. C) Juno Mission
    • Unordered lists, and:
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • More


In science, words starting with J span across multiple disciplines, highlighting the diversity and complexity of fields like physical science, biology, and chemistry. From the measurement of energy in joules to biological terms like juvenile or the jet propulsion in engineering, these terms shape the foundational knowledge that drives innovation and discovery.

 Whether you’re studying the Joule-Thomson effect in chemistry or examining the jellyfish in biology, understanding these terms helps in grasping the broader scientific concepts that explain our world. By breaking down complex ideas into simple meanings, it becomes easier to connect different aspects of science and see the relationships between them.

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